Retrieval of equivalent complex refractive index of aerosol particles based on immune evolution algorithm
ZHANG Zhi-cha1,2, NI Chang-jian1,2, DENG Ye3, TANG Jin-ying1,2, ZHU Yu-lei1,2, YANG Yin-shan1,2, DENG Pei-yun1,2
1. College of Atmospheric Science, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China;
2. Plateau Atmosphere and Environment Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610225, China;
3. Chengdu Academy of Environmental Sciences, Chengdu 610072, China
Based on immune evolutionary algorithm to optimize the objective function derived from Mie scattering theory, a new approach, which aimed at retrieving equivalent complex refractive index of aerosol particles (including both real part and imaginary part as a whole), was innovatively proposed. By utilizing the hourly aerosol scattering coefficient, aerosol absorption coefficient, and the coincidental data obtained from GRIMM180 in Chengdu from September to December 2017, the results showed thatthe new approach featured universal, fast convergent, robust, and precise. Compared with other available methods of retrieving equivalent complex refractive index of aerosol particles, the advantages of the new approach were further confirmed. The above achievement indicated that thenew algorithm should help to more clearly understand the evolution mechanism of equivalent complex refractive index of aerosol particles and aerosol hygroscopic growth model.
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ZHANG Zhi-cha, NI Chang-jian, DENG Ye, TANG Jin-ying, ZHU Yu-lei, YANG Yin-shan, DENG Pei-yun. Retrieval of equivalent complex refractive index of aerosol particles based on immune evolution algorithm. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(2): 554-559.
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