Distribution, source and risk assessment of PAHs in surface soil of the Yellow River Basin
LU Yin-tao1,2, WANG Xue-wen1, ZHANG Shi-chao3, PEI Jin1, XIANG Xin-xin1, XUE Hong-hui1, SUN Shao-bin1, YAO Hong1
1. Department of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;
2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Aqueous Typical Pollutants Control and Water Quality Safeguard, Beijing 100044, China;
3. Energy & Saving Environmental Protection & Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, China Academy of Railway Science Corporation Limited, Beijing 100081, China
The contamination status of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the spatial distribution of ∑25 PAHs and ∑7carc PAHs were investigated based on 39 surface soil samples collected in May 2015 from the Yellow River Basin. The sources of PAHs were obtained by the isomer ratio method and principal component analysis method, and the health risk assessment of PAHs was evaluated by the BaP toxic equivalent and the excess lifetime risk model for cancer (ELCR). The results showed that the concentrations of mesenteric twenty-five PAHs in the surface soil ranged from 18.23 to 6805.49ng/g with an average value of 343.764ng/g; and the concentration of ∑7 care PAHs ranged from 2.23 to 2796.34ng/g with an average value of 126.6ng/g. In general, the concentration of PAHs was higher in the middle and upper stream areas than in the downstream areas. In the majority of samples, we found that Ant/(Ant+Phe)<0.1, 0.2-6~10-4, a level having potential health risks. While the value of ELCR in Xiangtang was higher at 10-3, a level posting relatively high health risks.
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LU Yin-tao, WANG Xue-wen, ZHANG Shi-chao, PEI Jin, XIANG Xin-xin, XUE Hong-hui, SUN Shao-bin, YAO Hong. Distribution, source and risk assessment of PAHs in surface soil of the Yellow River Basin. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(5): 2078-2085.
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