Study on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons metabolites in urine of typical population in Beijing and the influencing factors
TAO Yong-gang1,2,3, CHEN Mian-biao2, Zhang Pan2, ZHANG Li-juan2, LIU Xiao-lin1, XU Qun4, HU Guo-cheng1,2,3
1. School of Public Health, Jinzhou Medical University, Jinzhou 121001, China;
2. South China Institute of Environment Sciences, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Guangzhou 510535, China;
3. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Environmental Pollution Health Risk Assessment, Guangzhou 510535, China;
4. Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100005, China
The aim of this study is to investigate the levels of polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) metabolites in the urine collected from a representative resident sample in Beijing and the relevant influencing factors. The resident sample consisted of 431 ordinary residents (average age (62.80±10.42)) recruited in three typical regions of Beijing in November and December 2016. The concentrations of 2-OHNap, 1-OHNap, 2-OHFul 1+9-OHPhe, 2-OHPhe, 3-OHPhe, 4-OHPhe and 1-OHPyr in the urine samples were studied by high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Information of the subjects was gathered by a unified questionnaire. The median concentration of 2-OHNap, 1-OHNap, 2-OHFul, ∑OHPhe and 1-OHPyr in the urine samples was 2.99, 3.46, 4.24, 1.49, 0.35μg/g Cr, respectively. Logistics regression analysis showed that the probability of high concentration of 2-OHNap, 1-OHNap, 2-OHFul and 1-OHPyr for smokers was 9.83, 6.32, 4.51 and 1.89 times higher than that of non-smokers, respectively. The probability of high concentration of 2-OHNap, 1-OHNap, ∑OHPhe and 1-OHPyr was shown to increase by 0.48, 0.44, 0.31 and 0.46 times with each increased age level, respectively. The probability of high concentration of 2-OHFul was decreased by 0.44 times with each increased level in education attainment. The study indicated that 2-OHNap, 2-OHFul and ∑OHPhe in human urine were mainly derived from naphthalene, fluorene and phenanthrene in urban air. And the major factors influencing the increase of the concentrations of PAHs’ metabolites in human urine were smoking, age and relatively low educational level.
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TAO Yong-gang, CHEN Mian-biao, Zhang Pan, ZHANG Li-juan, LIU Xiao-lin, XU Qun, HU Guo-cheng. Study on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons metabolites in urine of typical population in Beijing and the influencing factors. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(4): 1776-1783.
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