Surrogate models of multi-phase flow simulation model for DNAPL-contaminated aquifer remediation
HOU Ze-yu1, WANG Yu2, LU Wen-xi2
1. College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130000, China;
2. College of New Energy and Environment, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China
Kriging, support vector regression (SVR), kernel extreme learning machine (KELM) were applied to building the surrogate models of multi-phase flow simulation model, and set pair analysis (SPA) was applied to building ensemble surrogate models. The applicability of different surrogate models was analyzed via a comparison study. kriging model was with the highest accuracy, followed by KELM model and SVR model. Compared with Kriging model, set pair weighted ensemble surrogate model significantly improved the approximation accuracy. The mean of residuals and the mean of relative errors between ensemble model outputs and simulation model outputs were only 0.4009% and 0.5373%, respectively. Furthermore, it only took 1.5s to run the set pair weighted ensemble surrogate model. Replacing the simulation model with an ensemble surrogate model considerably reduced the computational burden of the simulation-optimization process and maintained high computation accuracy for optimizing the DNAPL-contaminated aquifer remediation strategy.
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