Pollution characteristics and inhalation exposure risk of atmospheric PAHs in Ningdong Base
WANG Zhan-xiang1, GUO Jiu-jiu2, MU Xi1, LI Ji-xiang1, GAO Hong1, HUANG Tao1, MA Jian-min3
1. Key Laboratory for Environmental Pollution Prediction and Control, Gansu Province, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;
2. China Power Construction Group International Engineering co. LTD, Beijing 100036, China;
3. College of Urban and Environmental Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
The active sampling technique was adopted to investigate the concentration levels, profiles and spatial temporal distribution as well as the source apportionments of atmospheric PAHs in PM2.5, PM1.0 and gas phase. The inhalation exposure risk of local population to atmospheric PAHs was evaluated based on atmospheric observation data in Ningdong Base. The ranges of atmospheric concentration levels of ∑16PAHs for PM2.5, PM1.0 and gas phase were 17.95~325.12ng/m3, 12.66~311.96ng/m3 and 26.33~97.88ng/m3 respectively, and the average annual concentrations were (99.42±117.48)ng/m3, (78.88±100.58)ng/m3 and (57.89±47.39)ng/m3, respectively. The spatial distributions of atmospheric PAHs levels for PM2.5, PM1.0 and gas phase in Baofeng site were significantly higher than that in Yinglite site for both winter and summer. The seasonal pollution characteristics indicated that ∑16PAHs concentration levels were significantly higher in Baofeng site than that in Yinglite site not only in winter but in summer. Comparison of atmospheric PAHs levels in Ningdong Base with that of other cities or regions worldwide, which exhibited higher concentration levels, suggesting atmospheric PAHs pollution was more serious in Ningdong Base. Source apportionment indicated that the main emission sources of PAHs in Ningdong Base were industrial coal combustion and motor vehicle exhaust in summer, while industrial coal combustion and biomass burning in winter. The average excess inhalation cancer risks (ECR) due to human exposure to atmospheric PAHs were about 33~2628 cases per million people in Ningdong Base in winter, while 11~834 cases per million people in summer.
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