Abstract:There are high turbidity and large nutrient content in seawater of Subei Shoal, which is considered by most scholars to be the origin of the green tide in the South Yellow Sea. The competition between Ulva prolifera and Skeletonema costatum, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Nitzschia closterum for nutrients under different light conditions (0~4500lx) was compared and the physiological state of U. prolifera and three microalgae at different depths was evaluated combining with the actual illumination of Subei Shoal. The competition between U. prolifera and microalgae is one of the key factors determining which kind of algal bloom. The results showed that U. prolifera is more adaptable to light compared with the three microalgae, the maximum average relative growth rate was 11.91%/d. When microalgae were co-cultured with U. prolifera, the growth was significantly inferior to that of culture alone, the inhibition rates of S. costatum, P. donghaiense and N. closterum respectively were 30%~46%, 3%~44%, 25%~41%, and the responses of different microalgae on competition were different. The nutrients monitoring data indicated that the competition for limited nutrients was the main competitive mechanism between U. prolifera and microalgae. This result provided a basis for the outbreak mechanism of the green tide in Subei Shoal.
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