Derivation of aquatic life water quality criteria for antimonyin freshwater and its implication for water quality standard in China
GUO Wen-jing1,2,3, ZHANGZhi-yong1,2, FU Zhi-you3, YAN Zhen-fei3, FENGCheng-lian3, LIU Xin-mei3, WANG Yu3, LIXiao-feng3, LI Hui-xian3, ZHAO Xiao-li3
1. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Agro-Environment in downstream of Yangze Plain, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the P. R. China, Nanjing 210014, China;
3. State Key Laboratory of Environment Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
Aquatic life freshwater quality criteria of Sb for protecting aquatic lifewas absent to date in China. In this study, freshwater species and relative toxicity data of Sb were collected and screened. To derive aquatic life ambient freshwater quality criteria of Sb, assessment factor method, toxicity percentile rank method, and species sensitivity distribution(SSD) method were used in this study. Acute quality criteria and chronic quality criteria, which wererecommended as the freshwater quality criteria of Sb, were derived to be 466.62and 88.71μg/Lbased on SSD method. After comparison and analysis with existing relevant water quality standard in China and internationally, water quality standard of Sb in China was suggested to be revised as "water quality standard for the protection of freshwater aquatic organisms" and "water quality standard for the protection of human health" respectively to avoid "over-protection" of water quality standards for aquatic organisms.
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GUO Wen-jing, ZHANGZhi-yong, FU Zhi-you, YAN Zhen-fei, FENGCheng-lian, LIU Xin-mei, WANG Yu, LIXiao-feng, LI Hui-xian, ZHAO Xiao-li. Derivation of aquatic life water quality criteria for antimonyin freshwater and its implication for water quality standard in China. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(4): 1628-1636.
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