In order to study the pollution characteristics and source contribution of PM2.5 in Nanjing, PM2.5 and its chemical composition were measured on-line from March 2018 to February 2019 in Xianlin area of Nanjing. The PMF and the CMB models were used to analyze the source contribution of PM2.5. The resulted show that the average mass concentration of PM2.5 in Nanjing during the study period was 54.3μg/m3, and the average concentration in winter was 76.4μg/m3. The main chemical components of PM2.5 were NO3-(21.3%~30.8%)、SO42-(18.9%~23.5%)、NH4+(14.3%~16.2%). In terms of annual average, the PMF model showed the source contribution as:secondary inorganic aerosol (54.9%), coal combustion (17.4%), secondary organic aerosol (7.4%), vehicle source (7.1%), industry source (4.9%), dust (4.8%), other sources (3.4%); the CMB model showed the source contribution as:nitrate (33.0%), sulfate (24.0%), coal (16.4%), vehicle source (8.4%), secondary organic aerosol (7.1%), dust (5.7%), other sources (2.9%), and industry source (2.4%). The sources of PM2.5 in different seasons were slightly different. The proportion of secondary inorganic aerosol in summer and winter was greater than that in spring and autumn. The proportion of coal in spring and winter was the largest, and the proportion of secondary organic aerosol was the largest in autumn. Combined with the 2017 emission inventory of Nanjing, the contribution of secondary aerosol from PMF and CMB was reanalyzed, and it was found that the main contribution of PM2.5 in Nanjing Xianlin area came from coal combustion (PMF:34.14%, CMB:33.82%), vehicle source (PMF:27.33%, CMB:29.33%) and industrial source (PMF:26.76%, CMB:24.77%). PM2.5 in Xianlin area of Nanjing was more affected by sources from coal burning, transportation and industry. It could be seen that the results of PM2.5 source apportionment from PMF and CMB models basing on-line measurement have good consistency.
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