The spatio-temporal aggregation pattern of ozone concentration in China from 2016 to 2018
ZHOU Ming-wei, KANG Ping, WANG Ke-ke, ZHANG Xiao-ling, HU Cheng-yuan
Plateau Atmosphere and Environment Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China
In order to reveal the spatio-temporal aggregation pattern of O3, the observation data of O3 concentration from 1144 monitoring stations in 338 cities of China was analyzed by using spatial interpolation and spatial self-correlation during 2016 to 2018. The results indicated an overall upward trend of O3 concentration (90 percentile) in China (from 141.54µg/m3 in 2016 to 153.21µg/m3 in 2018). The O3 concentration was the highest in densely populated areas such as North China, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The spatial distribution of O3 concentration showed a significant clustering pattern and similarity characteristic. And the clustering and similarity characteristic increased from 2016 to 2018. There was a differentiation from the north to the south of the annual cluster zones, which was presented in the form of the high-value cluster zones in the north while the low-value ones in the south. The high-value cluster zones were located in North China (22.19%~29.59%), while the low-value zones were located in South China (15.98%~22.19%). In addition, seasonally, the cluster pattern of high-value and low-value zones of O3 concentration showed an evidently periodical clockwise variation. Over the three years, the spring cluster zones were identical to the annual ones. In summer, both high-value zones and low-value zones had gradually expanded towards the west. While in autumn, the cluster pattern differentiated from the east to the west changed by a clockwise-shift, after which the high-value zones (the low-value zones) move toward south (north) gradually by a clockwise-shift. In winter, the cluster zones differentiated from the north to the south, in the pattern of the high-value cluster zones in the south while the low-value ones in the north.
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ZHOU Ming-wei, KANG Ping, WANG Ke-ke, ZHANG Xiao-ling, HU Cheng-yuan. The spatio-temporal aggregation pattern of ozone concentration in China from 2016 to 2018. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2020, 40(5): 1963-1974.
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