Spatial differentiation and driving factors of ozone concentration in Sichuan Basin
WANG Ke-ke1, KANG Ping1, ZHOU Ming-wei1, ZHANG Xiao-ling1, CHEN Jun-hui2, XIANG Wei-guo1
1. Plateau Atmosphere and Environment Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, School of Atmospheric Sciences, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China;
2. Sichuan Academy of Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chengdu 610042, China
In order to reveal the spatial distribution of ozone (O3) and its driving factors in Sichuan Basin, the geostatistical methods such as spatial auto-correlation, spatial hot spot detection and geographic detector were used to analyze O3 concentration data collected form 82 national control environmental monitoring sites in 18 cities. The results showed that there was an overall upward trend (from (79.95±18.82)μg/m3 in 2015 to (88.64±11.67)μg/m3 in 2017) of O3 concentration in Sichuan Basin. The O3 concentration reached highest in the midwest of the basin, including Chengdu, Ziyang, Yaan. And the heavy polluted area expanded as the years progressed.A significant annual clustering pattern (spatial positive auto-correlation, Moran's I was greater than 0) of the distribution of O3 concentration was showed in Sichuan Basin, in which the H-H clustering areas in the Midwest and the L-L clustering areas in the Southeast of the basin. Besides, the variation of the annual clustering areas were nearly accordant with the variation of O3 concentration, that is, where the O3 concentration raised (decreased) were transformed into H-H (L-L) clustering areas. The driving force of 20 socio-economic and natural factors to the spatial variation of O3 concentration was quantitatively analyzed by using geographic detector. It was found that the socio-economic factors provided a stronger drive force, especially the proportion of urban construction land (driving value, q=0.5734) and the population density (q=0.5479). In addition, the annual precipitation (q=0.4592) also had a significant effect on the distribution of O3 concentration. The detection of interaction based on geographic detector showed that there was a significant interactions on the spatial variation of O3 concentration, which made the q value of each factor increased by 1.5~2.1times on average. In addition, the average and maximum values of interactive q of each factor both increased year by year. Among the interaction factors that maximized the q value, the population density (7times) and the industrial dust emission (7times) were highest frequency.
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