Hydrochemical characteristics of the mountain runoff in Tarim River Basin, China
WANG Jian1, HAN Hai-dong2, XU Jun-li1, LI Yong-shan1
1. School of Urban and Planning, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng 224007, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
Abstract:On the basis of regional geology, the reasons for the formation of hydrochemical components of the Mountain Runoff were analyzed, and the source of solutes and their controlling factors were discussed in Tarim River Basin, China. The results showed that the mountainous runoff was mainly composed of carbonated dissolving water of silicate rock with the dominant ion type of calcium bicarbonate (Ca-HCO3) and the secondary type of calcium/magnesium sulfate (Ca/Mg-SO4) mixture. The weighted averages of the total dissolved solids (TDS) and the total number of ions in the mountainous runoffs in the Kunlun Mountains and Pamirs Plateau were 424.02 and 356.20mg/L, respectively, which were much higher than the values of 268.43 and 220.04mg/L in the Tianshan Mountains, respectively. The differences were mainly due to that a large number of magmatic rocks spread over the Tianshan Mountains, which reduced the erosive intensity of regional hydrochemistry. With the combination of the methods of Gibbs diagram and factor analysis, it was determined that the water quality of mountain runoffs was mainly controlled by silicate weathering. The water system in the Kunlun Mountain and Pamirs Plateau was not only accompanied by evaporative salt rock weathering but also by carbonate rock weathering similar to that in the Aksu River system in Tianshan Mountains. During the weathering process, the H+ produced by sulfide oxidation inhibited the carbonation weathering, which lowered the atmospheric CO2 consumption to a certain extent, especially in the Dina, Kara Yuergun and Kashgar River basins rich in coal seams and copper mines. With the exception of fluorine (F-) and nitrate (NO3-), the concentrations of the other ions and the total ions all presented strong correlation with the rate of glacier coverage rate and the ratio of the glacial meltwater to surface runoff in the Tarim River basin. The fitted exponential equation established between the concentration of the total ion and the rate of glacier coverage conformed to the characteristics of mountain water quality in the arid area of northwest China. Nevertheless, under the interference of natural and anthropogenic processes, there existed a certain difference between the equations fitted in the Tarim River basin and on a global scale.
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