Abstract:This paper reviewed the technical principles, system components, the design and optimization of key units, as well as the completion criteria of in-situ landfill aeration. Future development and challenges were prospected in combination with the characteristics of landfill sites and wastes in China. At present, uniform air and water distribution was the major difficulty faced in the implementation of in-situ aeration projects. Oxygen utilization rate could be improved with engineering measures such as the proper leachate collection and distribution to maintain an optimal waste humidity, the optimization of the aeration and extraction pipeline layouts, and the implementation of layer by layer remediation accompanied by high pressure aeration. In addition, the barrier effect and macropore outflow effect during the liquid recirculation could be improved by using stratified or pressurized recirculation, and controlling the recirculation rate, so that an uniform distribution of moisture in landfills may be provided. After aerobic stabilization, the risk assessment system and the final disposal of decomposed wastes and bottom soils were not clearly demonstrated yet, therefore, it was necessary to strengthen the relevant basic research to guide engineering application in future.
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