Abstract:Indoor benzo[a]pyrene (Benzo[a]pyrene, BaP) concentration criteria for different populations in China was derived at the acceptable risk level of 10-6, based on the characteristics of Chinese exposure factors. To explore the accessibility of the health criteria, BaP concentrations in indoor air in China were collected through systematic literature surveys, Monte Carlo method was used to simulate the carcinogenic risk of BaP exposure in different populations. The results indicatedthe average BaP threshold value was (1.38±0.32)ng/m3(Mean±SD). The average values of urban male and female health threshold were 1.34ng/m3 and 1.40ng/m3, respectively, and rural males and females were 1.35ng/m3 and 1.41ng/m3. Research on the different age groups indicated that stricter threshold values were required to protect children. Majority number of indoor BaP concentrations reported in China were higher than the threshold values derived from this research. This implies that currently indoor clean fuel policy and strict smoking control measures are necessary to mitigate BaP exposure in China.
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