Effect of nitrogen to phosphorus ratio on parameter sensitivity of lake eutrophication model
WANG Yu-lin1, WANG Liang2, HUA Zu-lin3, CHEN Dan1, CHENG Hao-miao1, LI Jia1, CHENG Ji-lin2, LIU Fang4
1. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, China; 2. College of Hydraulic Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China; 3. Key Laboratory of Integrated Regulation and Resource Development on Shallow Lake of Ministry of Education, College of Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; 4. Hydrology and Water Resources Investigation Bureau of Jiangsu Province Yangzhou Bureau, Yangzhou 225002, China
Abstract:The Morris method was used to study the sensitivity parameter of cyanobacteria, dissolved organic carbon, nutrients and dissolved oxygen in Chaohu Lake eutrophication model under different nitrogen to phosphorus ratios during the cyanobacteria blooms. As results shown, sensitivity parameters of cyanobacteria were significance different with the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus. In the case of nitrogen deficiency, cyanobacteria were more sensitive to the parameters of the nitrogen conversion process, and the converse was true in the case of phosphorus deficiency. Under different ratios of nitrogen to phosphorus, non-biological variables such as dissolved organic carbon, nutrients, and dissolved oxygen were more sensitive to the parameters directly related to their own transformation process. Parameters related to the metabolism of cyanobacteria had a greater influence on all variables than that of the growth process. In addition, there was a significant positive correlation between the sensitivity of the parameters that were tested and the strength of the interaction. This was especially true in the case of extreme nitrogen or phosphorus deficiency. These results would be helpful for understanding lake eutrophication and improve the simulation effect and accuracy of eutrophication models.
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WANG Yu-lin, WANG Liang, HUA Zu-lin, CHEN Dan, CHENG Hao-miao, LI Jia, CHENG Ji-lin, LIU Fang. Effect of nitrogen to phosphorus ratio on parameter sensitivity of lake eutrophication model. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(6): 2893-2901.
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