The migration and transformation of light non-aqueous fluid in silty clay
RUAN Dong-mei1,2, BIAN Jian-min1,2, WANG Qian1,2, WU Juan-juan1,2, WANG Yu1,2, SUN Xiao-qin1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Groundwater Resources and Environment Ministry of Education, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China; 2. College of New Energy and Environment institute, Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China
Abstract:The LNAPL longitudinal migration transformation model was established by COMSOL software, and was solved with the finite element method. It was applied to predict the distribution of pollutants, meanwhile parameter sensitivity was performed with local analysis method. The research results showed that most of the LNAPL aggregated above the water surface and formed a high mass distribution peak area, and a small part overcame the capillary pressure and migrated downward. In the free phase migration range, the dissolved phase concentration reached or approached the saturated solubility. When the top pollution source disappeared, the precipitation gradually lowered the maximum saturation and the depth of its concentration occurrence. The local low permeability lens in the porous medium caused of the pollutants blocked which will be accumulated on its surface and formed a pollution pool. The sensitivity analysis results demonstrated that the permeability coefficient was a key parameter to control the longitudinal migration speed and saturation distribution of LNAPL.
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RUAN Dong-mei, BIAN Jian-min, WANG Qian, WU Juan-juan, WANG Yu, SUN Xiao-qin. The migration and transformation of light non-aqueous fluid in silty clay. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(4): 1815-1823.
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