Evaluation and source analysis of heavy metal in cultivated soil around typical industrial district of Qinghai province
YIN Fang1, FENG Kai2, YIN Cui-jing2, BAI De-zhen3, WANG Rui3, ZHOU Yuan-yuan3, LIANG Yong-chun2, LIU Lei2
1. School of Land Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, China; 2. School of Earth Sciences and Resources, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, China; 3. Qinghai Research and Design institute of Environmental Sciences, Xining 810000, China
Abstract:In order to understand the current status, spatial distribution characteristics, and pollution sources of heavy metal pollution in the cultivated soil around the industrial district of the Yellow River Watershed, 138 surface soil samples were collected from Ganhe Industrial District in Huangshui Watershed, Qinghai Province. The factors including the soil pH and seven heavy metal elements (Cd, As, Pb, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn) were measured in the laboratory. According to the standard named Soil environmental quality:Risk control standard for soil contamination of agricultural land, methods including the geo-accumulation index, pollution load index, principal component analysis and positive matrix factorization were adopted to evaluate the pollution level and analyse the sources of the heavy metals in the study area. A series of results have been obtained. The concentration ranges of the seven soil heavy metal elements were Cd (0.16~21.80mg/kg), As (3.68~20.80mg/kg), Pb (17.00~223.40mg/kg), Cr (47.22~389.24mg/kg), Cu (16.03~46.06mg/kg), Ni (21.33~93.24mg/kg), Zn (48.60~1535.10mg/kg), respectively. The Cd pollution was the most serious, which had 13 high-risk samples and 52 medium-risk samples. Zn was the second polluting element, which had 13 medium-risk points. There were only two medium-risk samples and one medium-risk sample for Cr and Pb, respectively. For the other elements, all the samples were at low risk. The pollution of heavy metals in the cultivated soils was mostly distributed in the central-eastern part of the study area, which was roughly consistent with the location of the factories and enterprises in the study area. The pollution areas of the two major elements, Cd and Zn, were distributed around the factories and enterprises and showed an obvious trend of gradually decreasing from the centre to outside. The results of the geo-accumulation index and pollution load index showed that most regions of the study area were less polluted. The pollution was more serious in the area around the central-eastern industrial park, and Cd and Zn were the main contributing elements. The sources of heavy metal pollution in the cultivated soil of the study area mainly included transportation, industrial emission, agricultural activities, coal-fired power generation, and natural soil formation processes.
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YIN Fang, FENG Kai, YIN Cui-jing, BAI De-zhen, WANG Rui, ZHOU Yuan-yuan, LIANG Yong-chun, LIU Lei. Evaluation and source analysis of heavy metal in cultivated soil around typical industrial district of Qinghai province. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(11): 5217-5226.
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