Study on the performance of modified biogas residue biomass charcoal to activate persulfate to degrade phenols
YANG Yi-fei1, YANG Tian-xue2, WU Dai-she1, PENG Xing3, LI Dong-yang2, XIA Yong-tao1, MA Zhi-fei1
1. Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Environment and Resource Utilization, Ministry of Education, School of Resources Environmental & Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China; 2. Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China; 3. Hunan United Kitchen Waste Treatment Co., Ltd, Changsha 410022, China
Abstract:Modified biogas residue biochar (ZBC-800) was prepared by high temperature pyrolysis + dilute hydrochloric acid modification. The efficiency of persulfate (PS) activation by ZBC-800was studied, and the effect of activator, dosage of PS and initial pH on the degradation of phenol was investigated, and it was applied on the TOC removal of coking wastewater containing phenols for a practical valuation. The results show that: ZBC-800activated PS has a significant effect on phenol removal, with a removal rate of 91.58% in 120minutes. It is found that the system relies on a non-radical pathway that produces 1O2; the efficiency of phenol removal shows a positive correlation with the dosage of ZBC-800, but high concentration of PS does inhibit the reaction; different initial pH values (4.10, 6.80, 8.40, 10.00) have no significant effect on the degradation of phenol, and the final removal efficiency ranges from 91.58% to 93.10%; in the actual treatment of phenol-containing coking wastewater, the combination of an initial pH=3, a ZBC-800 dosage of 8.94g/L and the PS system of 0.5g/L, the TOC removal rate reached 86.09%. Therefore, ZBC-800can efficiently activate PS to significantly degrade phenol, and also shows good degradation ability in actual wastewater, and has certain application prospects.
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YANG Yi-fei, YANG Tian-xue, WU Dai-she, PENG Xing, LI Dong-yang, XIA Yong-tao, MA Zhi-fei. Study on the performance of modified biogas residue biomass charcoal to activate persulfate to degrade phenols. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(5): 2153-2160.
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