Identification of chemical characteristics and hydraulic connection of each aquifer in complex mine field driven by coal mining
HUANG Lei1, HOU Ze-ming1, HAN Xuan1, XU Lei1, ZHANG Sheng-wei1,2, LI Gang-zhu1, LIU Zhi-qiang1
1. Inner Mongolia Water Resource Protection and Utilization Key Laboratory, Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China; 2. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Key Laboratory of Big Data Research and Application of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Hohhot 010018, China
Abstract:By analyzing the numerical characteristics of conventional elements, trace elements, deuterium, oxygenand tritium isotope of different aquifers, the groundwater chemical characteristics and hydraulic connection of each aquifer were judged. The three identification charts (piper and durov identification charts of conventional hydrochemical components and deuterium tritium isotope identification charts) were established to realize the rapid identification of aquifer water source. The results showed that the main recharge source of groundwater in the study area was atmospheric precipitation. There was a significant indigenous connection between Quaternary aquifer and Zhiluo Formation aquifer, limited indigenous connection between the Zhiluo Formation aquifer and the Yan'an Formation aquifer. The three identification charts were established to determine the water inrush source and put forward targeted solutions for water inrush from different aquifers in Bulianta mining area based on the differences in hydrochemical ion characteristics, deuterium-oxygen and tritium isotopes.
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HUANG Lei, HOU Ze-ming, HAN Xuan, XU Lei, ZHANG Sheng-wei, LI Gang-zhu, LIU Zhi-qiang. Identification of chemical characteristics and hydraulic connection of each aquifer in complex mine field driven by coal mining. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(6): 2697-2706.
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