Hydrochemical characteristics and controlling factors of groundwater driven by coal mining in Shendong mining area
HOU Ze-ming1, HUANG Lei1, HAN Xuan1, XU Lei1, LI Gang-zhu1, LIU Zhi-qiang1, ZHANG Sheng-wei1,2
1. Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Inner Mongolia Water Resource Protection and Utilization Key Laboratory, Hohhot 010018, China; 2. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Key Laboratory of Big Data Research and Application of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Hohhot 010018, China
Abstract:In order to find out the hydrochemical characteristics and controlling factors of groundwater in Shendong mining area, 23groundwater samples were analyzed by Piper trigram, Gibbs graph, principal component analysis and improved Nemerow index method. The results showed that the groundwater was weakly alkaline, and its hydrochemical types gradually changed from HCO3--Na+ to HCO3-·SO42- -Na+·Ca2+, Cl--K+·Na+, and F--K+·Na+ along with the river; the hydrochemical types were mainly affected by evaporation concentration and rock weathering; HCO3-, Ca2+and Mg2+, Cl−and SO42+came from the dissolution of carbonate, sulfate, and rock salt separately, and Cl−was affected the pollution of domestic water; NO3- mainly came from domestic water and defecation; overall,the groundwater quality was good, although there was a certain degree of ion enrichment in some regions. The research results could be taken as theoretical support and reference for exploitation and utilization of water resources and water environment protection in mining area.
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