Fine classification of urban vegetation based on UAV images
LIN Yi1, ZHANG Wen-hao1, YU Jie1, ZHANG Han-chao2
1. College of Surveying and Geo-Informatics, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, Beijing 100830, China
Abstract:The fine classification and information extraction of urban public vegetation based on remote sensing methods hasgreat significance in urban land use change, urban ecological environment monitoring and urban planning. Aiming toreducethe heavy workload, high cost and enhancetheefficiency of traditional vegetation resource survey methods, a multi-dimensional feature space including spectral, spatial and texture features for describing different types of urban vegetation was proposed in this study. Then a comparison experiment of three typical classification algorithms (pixel-based, object-oriented support vector machine and deep learning semantic segmentation model-Mobile-Unet) was accomplished. The experimental results indicate that:The proposed spectrum-texture-spatial feature extraction method can describe different types of urban vegetation effectively, and improve the accuracy of image segmentation and vegetation classification significantly. In terms of classification accuracy, the overall accuracy of pixel-based and object-oriented support vector machine classification exceed 90%, while the overall accuracy of deep learning method is only 84%. In terms of efficiency, traditional machine learning methods are also superior to deep learning method. Therefore, for the fine classification of different vegetation in small urban areas with small samples, traditional machine learning classification methods are more effective than deep learning method.
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