Abstract:This study investigates the sludge-based biochar to enhance the treatment performance of activated sludge systems. The highest COD reduction rates of 72.9% and 41.1% were found for activated carbon and sludge-based biochar, respectively, into the activated sludge of anaerobic tank in the A2O process. The highest reduction rate of TN was 74.1%, which was more effective than that of activated carbon. Characterization showed that activated sludge was more easily attached to sludge-based biochar and had a larger specific surface area. Activated carbon, sludge-based biochar and defatted sludge-based biochar were added in the anaerobic tank of A2O pilot plant at the frequency of one addition per sludge age. The results showed that adding sludge-based biochar had better reduction effect on COD, TN and TP than adding activated carbon. Compared with the addition of activated carbon, adding defatted sludge-based biochar had little difference in COD and TN reduction, but the average reduction rate of TP was 85.6%, which was more effective than that of activated carbon. In conclusion, biochar treatment (BT) process is more powerful than powdered activated carbon treatment (PACT) process in treating domestic sewage, and defatted sludge-based biochar is more economical as a by-product of sludge lipid extraction.
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