Spatiotemporal dynamics of ecosystem services and their nonlinear influencing factors-A case study in the Qiantang River Basin
LI Gui-e1, LI Jie2, ZHAO Chong3, JIAO Yang-yang1, YAN Qing-wu1
1. School of Public Policy& Management, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China; 2. School of Environment and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China; 3. School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
Abstract:In order to unravel the impacts of different categories of influencing factors across scales on different types of ecosystem services, this paper measured 7 ecosystem services and untangled their spatiotemporal changes from 2010 to 2017 within the Qiantang River Basin, China. The magnitude and relative importance of influence for natural factors and socio-economic factors across different scales of each ecosystem service type are identified using the random forest algorithm, and the marginal effects of the dominant influencing factors are quantified. The results showed that ecosystem services presented obvious spatially heterogenous characteristics. Different types of ecosystem services were jointly affected by varying natural factors and socio-economic factors across scales, but their influence degrees varied with types. The natural environmental factors at grid scale had relatively larger influence. The changes of construction land, cultivated land and directly related socio-economic factors shaped the evolution process of ecosystem services. There existed a complex nonlinear relationship between the leading influencing factors and individual ecosystem services. The change of the indicators of each influencing factor had a non-stationary impact on ecosystem services in each year. For example, the impact of the initial increase of construction land was much more complex and intense for many ecosystem services.
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LI Gui-e, LI Jie, ZHAO Chong, JIAO Yang-yang, YAN Qing-wu. Spatiotemporal dynamics of ecosystem services and their nonlinear influencing factors-A case study in the Qiantang River Basin. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(12): 5941-5952.
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