Research on determinants of species richness in xinjiang based on random forest appraoch
LI Guang-yi1,2, LI Hai-ping1, WAN Hua-wei3, LI Li-ping4
1. School of Environment & Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China; 2. Guizhou Ecological Meteorology & Satellite Remote Sensing Center, Guiyang 550002, China; 3. Ministy of Ecology and Environment Center for Satellite Application on Ecology and Environment, Beijing 100093; 4. Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094
Abstract:Taken gridded spatial distribution data of bird and mammal species of Xinjiang in 2010 as primary data source, combined with multi-sources of remote sensing data production, such as land use, vegetation, climate, and topographic data, determinants which affected birds and mammal species richness in Xinjiang have been recognized and their spatial variation was discussed. Importance of each determinant which affected the number of bird and mammal species have been assessed and ranked using Random Forest approach. Then relationship models between species richness and determinants were built through exploratory regression analysis. Three main habitats of grassland, woodland and farmland were taken out and the difference of effect factors to birds and mammals species richness between them were compared and analyzed. The results show that among all the determinants, vegetation growing status and their energy conversion capability were the most two important factors for bird richness. As for grassland habitat, the importance of altitude was 38.38%, which was highest value. Climate type in farmland had significant impacts on bird diversity, among which the importance of annual average temperature reaches 32.98%. Climate and altitude were very important considerations for mammal when choosing a habitat, accountied for more than 60% of the importance, and the highest was 76.85%. In cultivated land, climatic factors were more important than vegetation growth for mammalian habitat. Optimal models for birds and mammals under different types of habitats were varied and their variables were different accordingly. Model performance of farmland for birds and forest for mammals were the best two, which could explain the relationship between determinants and species richness about 69.9% and 68.9%, respectively. The results of both random forest and exploratory regression analysis shown that altitude, average annual temperature and precipitation were the most three important determinants to mammal species richness.
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LI Guang-yi, LI Hai-ping, WAN Hua-wei, LI Li-ping. Research on determinants of species richness in xinjiang based on random forest appraoch. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(2): 941-950.
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