Study on the concentration variation and impact factors of CH4 in Akedala atmospheric background station
ZHAO Zhu-jun1,2,3, LU Zhong-qi1,2, HE Qing2,3, WANG Jian-lin3,4
1. College of Resources & Environmental Sciences, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China; 2. Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Urumqi 830002, China; 3. Field Scientific Experiment Base of Akedala Atmospheric Background, China Meteorological Administration, Altay 836500, China; 4. Akedala Atmospheric Background Station, Altay 836500, China
Abstract:The observation data of CH4 concentrations and meteorological elements of Akedala station from 2009 to 2019 were used to analyze the CH4 concentration changes and influencing factors using random forest model and backward trajectory model with clustering analysis methods. The results showed that the CH4 concentrations at Akedala station increased significantly during the recent 10yaers with an annual average concentration of (1934.30±30.94)×10-9 and an average growth rate of 0.45%. The seasonal changes showed high CH4 in autumn and winter and low CH4 in spring and summer, with winter (1973.77±36.72)×10-9>autumn (1935.86±36.14)×10-9>spring (1922.36±26.38)×10-9>summer (1920.92±29.82)×10-9. The CH4 concentration change at Akedala station is influenced by a combination of meteorological factors, with air temperature and relative humidity playing the dominant roles. Backward trajectory clustering analysis based on HYSPLIT model driven by GDAS meteorological data reveals that air mass movement to Akedala station is mostly along the northwestern path paralleling to the Valley of Erchez River, and passing through Alashankou and Old Wind Pass. In addition, the low movement speed in autumn and winter as well as its high speed in spring and summer could affect the seasonal variation of CH4 concentrations.
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