Airborne observation of carbon dioxide concentration in central and southern Hebei Province
XIE Wen-qi1,2, YAO Bo3,4, WU Guo-ming5, DONG Hang-yu5, MAI Rong6, XU Lin7
1. Jiangxi Agricultural Meteorology Center, Nanchang 330096, China; 2. Nanchang County Meteorological Bureau, Nanchang 330200, China; 3. Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences & Institute of Atmospheric Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200438, China; 4. Meteorological Observation Centre of China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China; 5. Hebei Institute of Meteorological Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050020, China; 6. Weather Modification Center of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050020, China; 7. Beijing Honglin Universe Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100041, China
Abstract:CO2 concentrations above Shijiazhuang and Xingtai (600~5600m) were detected by CO2 analyzer and related auxiliary equipment on an airborne observation platform of King-air 350 to characterize the spatial and temporal distribution of tropospheric CO2 in central and southern Hebei Province. 7CO2 concentration vertical profiles were achieved through 4flights. The minimum and maximum of CO2 concentrations during the observation period were 398.3×10-6 and 414.6×10-6, respectively, while the averaged CO2 concentrations of each flight varied from 401.4×10-6 to 403.9×10-6. There is no consistent pattern of CO2 concentration trends with the increase of altitude. The boundary layer heights during the observation period were about 1000~2000m. The CO2 concentration varied significantly below 1000m due to the influence of near-surface emission sources. However, CO2 concentrations generally had a short-term decreasing trend over the height of 2500m, and was close to the background concentrations at higher levels. The CO2 concentrations over Xingtai was significantly correlated with CH4 concentrations, with the correlation coefficient r≥0.90, which indicated that the enhanced CO2 and CH4 concentrations at Xingtai might come from the same source.
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