Abstract:Based on the negative oxygen ions concentration data of 89 observatories and meteorological and environmental observational data in Zhejiang province, the effects of meteorological and environmental factors on negative oxygen ions concentration was analyzed, as well as the distribution of negative oxygen ions concentration. Results showed that: in the mountain areas of South and West Zhejiang, negative oxygen ions concentration was relatively high, with annual mean value generally higher than 1000cm-3; whereas in plain areas of North Zhejiang, negative oxygen ions concentration was relatively low, with annual mean value mostly amount to 500~1000cm-3. Generally, the spatial distribution of negative oxygen ions concentration showed a pattern of high-mountain forest areas > middle-hill scenic areas > areas near island or water bodies > parks in suburban and plain areas > urban areas. Meteorological and environmental factors had certain effects on negative oxygen ions concentration, showed noticeable negative correlation between negative oxygen ions concentration and environmental factors of AQI, PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO. With the increase of sunshine duration, negative oxygen ions concentration also tended to increase. When daily mean air temperature ranged from 2~15℃ to 23~31℃, with the rose of air temperature, negative oxygen ions concentration tended to increase. When relative humidity was within the comfort range of 50%~75%, negative oxygen ions concentration was relatively high. With the increased of precipitation or wind speed, negative oxygen ions concentration generally increased. However, when precipitation was greater than torrential rain or wind speed was stronger than strong breeze, negative oxygen ions concentration tended to decrease with the increase of precipitation or wind speed.
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