An interaction study between atmospheric pollutants and boundary layer during a dust storm weather in Shijiazhuang
DONG Xiao-bo1,2, MAI Rong2, WANG Hong-lei3, YANG Yang2, ZHAO Li-wei2, SHU Zhi-yuan2, ZHANG Xiao-rui2
1. Key Laboratory of Meteorology and Ecological Environment of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050020, China; 2. Weather Modification Office of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050020, China; 3. Key Laboratory for Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation of China Meteorological Administration, Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
Abstract:A dust storm was occurred in North China plain and recorded on May 11~12, 2020. A ground-based ceilometers and an aircraft King-air 350 were in operation to record and observe the dust storm. Data retrieved from these instruments were analyzed, including aerosol backscatter coefficients, meteorological variables, black carbon (BC), and the vertical distribution of aerosol size ranging from 0.1 to 3.0μm. Additional satellite data from FY-4A, hourly data of atmospheric pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO, and O3), ground meteorological data, and vertical soundings were all analyzed conjointly for investigating the interaction between atmospheric pollutants and boundary. As a result of the thermal inversion layer, the dust only existed above Shijiazhuang over the height of 1km, hence a limited influence on surface pollutants. During this dusty weather, the average mass concentration of PM10 was measured as 166.3μg·m-3, which was 2.7 times and 1.5 times higher than before and after the dust storm, respectively. A "domelike" structure formed due to the dust storm indicated a strong impact from this weather on the boundary layer. This dome was found near the dust layer and characterized based on a feature consisting of low RH, high wind speed, and high aerosol concentration. The existence of this structure can hinder the development of the boundary layer, and further, the inexistence of ground inversion is responsible for the diffusion of near-surface pollutants. Within the dusty atmosphere, the concentration of BC and aerosols were relatively high as the maximum value of both pollutants were close to the ground observations. The number spectrum of aerosols at different altitudes showed an insignificant correlation with the dust storm. However, the aerosol concentration archived increased notably for those at a size of 0.4~3.0μm related to this storm.
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DONG Xiao-bo, MAI Rong, WANG Hong-lei, YANG Yang, ZHAO Li-wei, SHU Zhi-yuan, ZHANG Xiao-rui. An interaction study between atmospheric pollutants and boundary layer during a dust storm weather in Shijiazhuang. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2021, 41(3): 1024-1033.
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