Pattern in changes of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of phytoplankton in Yilong Lake under the influence of human activities
WANG Xu1, GUO Wen2, WANG Ming-guo3, LI Ping1, WEN Wen-wen1, CHEN Li1, ZHENG Xin1, HUANG Lin-pei1, CHEN Guang-jie1
1. Yunnan Key Laboratory of Plateau Geographic Processes and Environmental Change, Faculty of Geography, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China; 2. Meteorological Bureau of Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, Chengde 068350, China; 3. Yunnan Geological Mine Mapping Academy Co., Ltd, Kunming 650217, China
Abstract:From September 2020 to June 2022, a spatial investigation and seasonal analysis of water quality and carbon and nitrogen isotope signals of phytoplankton were carried out across 20 sites of Yilong Lake over 8seasons. The results showed that the distribution of δ13C signal of phytoplankton ranged from -28.98‰ to -22.32‰, showing lower values in wet year (-26.89‰±1.34‰) than in dry year (-25.30‰±0.97‰), and higher values in September than in other months. Meanwhile, the spatial distribution of δ13C signal showed higher values in western lake basin than those in central and eastern lake basins. The δ15N signal of phytoplankton varied from -0.28‰ to 10.25‰, and was significantly higher in wet year (6.28‰±1.07‰) than in dry year (2.78‰±1.55‰). Meanwhile, the values of phytoplankton δ15N were lower in fertilization season (June and December) compared to other seasons, and also higher in rainy season (September) and early dry season (December) than those in central and eastern lake basins. With increasing water volume in Yilong Lake, there was an increase in inorganic carbon input and a decrease in nutrient levels, resulting in a significant decline in phytoplankton δ13C signal. This may reflect the rapid response of phytoplankton δ13C signal linked to human activities such as water diversion and replenishment measures. Meanwhile, the lower δ15N values of phytoplankton are closely related to lake-water NH4+-N concentration, reflecting the role of nitrogen pollution from agricultural non-point sources (mainly ammonia fertilizer) in affecting phytoplankton absorption. However, the δ15N value of phytoplankton increased significantly with expanding water volume along with a replacement of chemical fertilizers by organic fertilizers during agricultural fertilization, a measure taken for mitigating lake eutrophication. The results of MixSIAR model showed that nutrient loading derived from agricultural non-point sources decreased from 88.4% in the dry year to 79.0% in the wet year, with the contribution of point source pollution increasing from 11.6% to 21.0%. Specifically, the relative contribution of chemical fertilizers decreased from 41.2% to 14.0%, the proportion of organic fertilizers increased from 47.2% to 65.0%. Therefore, pollution control measures, such as water diversion, hydrological replenishment and use of organic fertilizers, have largely reduced the lake-water nutrient concentrations, and this is also evidenced in an increase of the δ13C signal of phytoplankton due to an increased basin input of both the δ13C-depleted carbon and δ15N-enriched nitrogen. In all, our study highlights that lake management and restoration measures can significantly affect the isotopic signal and cycling porcesses of nutrients in the primary producers of lakes.
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WANG Xu, GUO Wen, WANG Ming-guo, LI Ping, WEN Wen-wen, CHEN Li, ZHENG Xin, HUANG Lin-pei, CHEN Guang-jie. Pattern in changes of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of phytoplankton in Yilong Lake under the influence of human activities. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(6): 3087-3099.
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