Evaluating the importance of habitat patches using landscape functional connectivity for grassland in Poyang Lake
ZHANG Cheng1, CHEN Wen-bo2, HUANG Fang-fang3
1. College of Land Resource and Environment, Nanchang Key Laboratory of Landscape and Environment, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China; 2. College of Surveying and Spatial Information Engineering, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China; 3. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang Guangsha Vocational and Technical University of Construction, Dongyang 322100, China
Abstract:Taking the grassland of Poyang Lake as a case, and comprehensively considering the ecological processes of water level change and species dispersal, this study firstly identified the range and patch composition of grassland under different water levels. Then, the graph theoretical approach was applied to analyze the dynamics of functional connectivity of grassland with different water levels and dispersal distances. Finally, the delta value for probability of connectivity (dPC) and betweenness connectivity (BC) were respectively used to identify the important grassland patches and key grassland nodes. The grassland presented the characteristics of "expanding when water falls while shrinking when water rises". The grassland patches faced both the segmentation effect and the inundation effect of water. With the increase of water level, the distribution of grassland decreased from 1813.61km2 at the water level of 7.54m to 182.36km2 at the water level of 17.17m, and the fragmentation of large patches and the disappearance of small patches coexisted. From the perspective of water level change, with the increase of water level, the number of links in ecological function between patches decreased, the number of independent components increased, the probability of connectivity decreased, and then the functional connectivity of grassland has progressively decreased. From the perspective of species dispersal, the species dispersal distance had an absolutely positive impact on landscape connectivity. With the increase of dispersal distance, the functional connectivity of grassland increased dramatically. The 124 important grassland patches were identified and mapped. They were all consistently large and primarily distributed in the center of Poyang Lake, especially concentrated in the two national nature reserves. The 16 key grassland nodes were determined and mapped. They were very small in size and mainly scattered in the central and southern margin of Poyang Lake. Giant patches and large patches play an extremely vital role in maintaining the functional connectivity of grassland. However, small patches in a pivotal location can not be ignored as stepping stones or connecting elements.
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