Study of air flotation for treatment of drilling wastewater
MA Xiao, CHEN Jian-yi, CHI Hao-di, ZHANG Zhong-zhi, ZHANG Zhi-yong
State Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, China University of Petroleum, Beijing Key Laboratory of Process Fluid Filtration and Separation, Beijing 102249, China
Abstract:To realize the standard discharge or reinjection of drilling wastewater, the effect of retention time and air bubble diameter on the removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and suspended solids (SS) was investigated by air flotation, and a focused analysis of the fractional efficiency curve. The results showed that the removal efficiency of COD and SS could be stabilized at 90% and 94% respectively with a retention time of 30minutes. The highest removal efficiency of COD and SS was obtained when the particle size distribution of suspended solids and air bubbles coincide. Suspended solids larger than 20 μm could be effectively removed and the fractional efficiency curve appeared fish-hook phenomenon.
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MA Xiao, CHEN Jian-yi, CHI Hao-di, ZHANG Zhong-zhi, ZHANG Zhi-yong. Study of air flotation for treatment of drilling wastewater. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(8): 4032-4037.
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