Vertical distribution and combined pollution characteristics of aerosol and ozone in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area from 2006 to 2020
WANG Qing1,2, DENG Tao2, WU Dui1,2, HE Guo-wen3, ZHANG Xue1,2, OUYANG Shan-shan2,4, TAO Li-ping1,2, ZHANG Ze-biao1,2, WU Cheng1, ZHOU Zhen1
1. Institute of Mass Spectrometry and Atmospheric Environment, Guangdong Provincial Engineering Research Center for On-Line Source Apportionment System of Air Pollution, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China; 2. Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Regional Numerical Weather Prediction, China Meteorological Administration, Guangzhou 510640, China; 3. School of Atmospheric Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 519082, China; 4. Institute for Environmental and Climate Research, Jinan University, Guangzhou 511443, China
摘要 In recent years, the concentration of particulate matter in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has decreased significantly, but O3 pollution has continued to increase under the background of anthropogenic emission reduction. In this study, multi-source observation data of ground-based, tower-based, ozonesonde, aircraft (IAGOS), and satellites in the Greater Bay Area from 2006 to 2020 were used to analyze the three-dimensional spatial and temporal variation characteristics of aerosols, O3 and related meteorological conditions, with special attention to the vertical distribution characteristics of aerosol and O3, and the influence of the lower part of boundary layer aerosols on O3 concentration. The results showed that the concentrations of surface PM10decreased (-2.2μg/(m3a)) from 2006 to 2020, while the concentrations of surface O3 and boundary layer O3 increased (+0.8μg/(m3a), +0.6μg/(m3a)). Surface PM2.5 decreased (-1.5μg/(m3a)) since 2014. There were differences and commonalities between vertical aerosol and O3 distribution. The vertical extinction coefficient of aerosol (within 1000m) decreased with increasing height (average rate of change -0.06km-1/hm), while the O3 concentration increased with increasing height (average rate of change +1.4μg/(m3hm)). Generally, both vertical aerosol and O3 reached their lowest values in summer and both reached their highest concentrations in the free troposphere in spring. Since 2006, the average surface temperature increased by 0.05℃/a, the average relative humidity increased by 0.44%/a, and the average wind speed decreased by 0.02m/(s×a), which to a certain extent can explain the simultaneous increase/decrease of aerosol and O3 concentrations in a given year. In summer, under the influence of the South China Sea monsoon, the relative humidity within the boundary layer was high, while in fall the temperature within the boundary layer was higher and the humidity was moderate, and this kind of meteorological conditions were more favorable for photochemical reactions. Based on the four years of observation of O3 and PM10 at Canton Tower, the high surface PM10 value appeared at night, and the high PM10value of 454m appeared in the afternoon and was strongly positively correlated with the O3 concentration at 454m, which indicates that the secondary reaction of aerosols in the boundary layer in the late afternoon, as well as the backscattering of photochemical radiation by these secondary aerosols, may be one of the factors that exacerbate the O3 pollution in the boundary layer. The results of the study will help deepen the understanding of the vertical distribution of aerosols and O3 and the characteristics of the complex pollution in the Greater Bay Area.
Abstract:In recent years, the concentration of particulate matter in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has decreased significantly, but O3 pollution has continued to increase under the background of anthropogenic emission reduction. In this study, multi-source observation data of ground-based, tower-based, ozonesonde, aircraft (IAGOS), and satellites in the Greater Bay Area from 2006 to 2020 were used to analyze the three-dimensional spatial and temporal variation characteristics of aerosols, O3 and related meteorological conditions, with special attention to the vertical distribution characteristics of aerosol and O3, and the influence of the lower part of boundary layer aerosols on O3 concentration. The results showed that the concentrations of surface PM10decreased (-2.2μg/(m3a)) from 2006 to 2020, while the concentrations of surface O3 and boundary layer O3 increased (+0.8μg/(m3a), +0.6μg/(m3a)). Surface PM2.5 decreased (-1.5μg/(m3a)) since 2014. There were differences and commonalities between vertical aerosol and O3 distribution. The vertical extinction coefficient of aerosol (within 1000m) decreased with increasing height (average rate of change -0.06km-1/hm), while the O3 concentration increased with increasing height (average rate of change +1.4μg/(m3hm)). Generally, both vertical aerosol and O3 reached their lowest values in summer and both reached their highest concentrations in the free troposphere in spring. Since 2006, the average surface temperature increased by 0.05℃/a, the average relative humidity increased by 0.44%/a, and the average wind speed decreased by 0.02m/(s×a), which to a certain extent can explain the simultaneous increase/decrease of aerosol and O3 concentrations in a given year. In summer, under the influence of the South China Sea monsoon, the relative humidity within the boundary layer was high, while in fall the temperature within the boundary layer was higher and the humidity was moderate, and this kind of meteorological conditions were more favorable for photochemical reactions. Based on the four years of observation of O3 and PM10 at Canton Tower, the high surface PM10 value appeared at night, and the high PM10value of 454m appeared in the afternoon and was strongly positively correlated with the O3 concentration at 454m, which indicates that the secondary reaction of aerosols in the boundary layer in the late afternoon, as well as the backscattering of photochemical radiation by these secondary aerosols, may be one of the factors that exacerbate the O3 pollution in the boundary layer. The results of the study will help deepen the understanding of the vertical distribution of aerosols and O3 and the characteristics of the complex pollution in the Greater Bay Area.
王庆, 邓涛, 吴兑, 何国文, 张雪, 欧阳珊珊, 陶丽萍, 张泽彪, 吴晟, 周振. 2006~2020年粤港澳大湾区气溶胶和臭氧垂直分布及复合污染特征[J]. 中国环境科学, 2024, 44(11): 5934-5949.
WANG Qing, DENG Tao, WU Dui, HE Guo-wen, ZHANG Xue, OUYANG Shan-shan, TAO Li-ping, ZHANG Ze-biao, WU Cheng, ZHOU Zhen. Vertical distribution and combined pollution characteristics of aerosol and ozone in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area from 2006 to 2020. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2024, 44(11): 5934-5949.
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