Influence of downward-mixing ozone in the residual layer on surface ozone—cases study of typical autumn ozone pollution processes in the coastal areas of Jiaodong Peninsula
MENG He1, WANG Wei2, ZHANG Miao3, DAI Wei1, MA Yan4, XU Yang3
1. Qingdao Eco-environment Monitoring Center of Shandong Province, Qingdao 266003, China; 2. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Quality Control in Environmental Monitoring, China National Environmental Monitoring Center, Beijing 100012, China; 3. Shandong Provincial Eco-Environment Monitoring Center, Jinan 250101, China; 4. Qingdao Meteorological Bureau, Qingdao 266003, China
摘要 Based on differential absorption ozone lidar and coherent Doppler wind lidar vertical observation, as well as surface pollutant concentration and meteorological data, a study was conducted in the coastal city of Qingdao of Jiaodong Peninsula, focusing on meteorological causes of typical ozone (O3) pollution events occurred from October 16th to 26th, 2023. The study aimed to explore the vertical evolution in O3 concentrations during the pollution events, as well as the influence of wind profiles on O3 distribution vertically. Besides, contributions of downward mixing of residual layer O3 affected on surface O3 concentrations was also evaluated. The results indicated that there were two O3 pollution events during the observation period: event I from the 17th to 18th, and event II from 22nd to 25th. O3-8h concentrations on 18th, 23rd to 25th were 197, 171, 179, and 169μg/m3, respectively. These two O3 pollution events were associated with warming processes at 850hPa geopotential height, intensive solar radiation, nocturnal ground-based inversions, lower stable boundary layers (below 200m), and lower daily atmospheric boundary layer heights. These atmospheric meteorological conditions favored O3 formation and air pollutants accumulation. Both two O3 pollution events concluded with cold air advection from the north. Local O3 production was identified as the primary cause of O3 pollution in Jiaodong Peninsula. Persisting warmth, intense solar radiation, and unfavorable atmospheric circulation patterns led to continuous regional O3 pollution. Moreover, transport of residual layer O3 by the southwest low-level jet could exacerbated surface O3 pollution within a range of 400~500km. Vertical mixing of residual layer O3 was found to play a crucial role on surface O3 concentrations, particularly during morning hours as the atmospheric boundary layer height increases. Between 7:00 and 12:00, the O3 vertical transport flux in the boundary layer ranged from -20.2 to -36.0μg/(m2·s). On average, vertical mixing of residual layer O3 contributed 26.4 % (15.1 %~43.2%) to surface O3, with a highest contribution observed at 9:00. During event II, vertical mixing of residual layer O3 contributed an average of 23.8 % (15.4 %~36.5 %) to surface O3. There was no significant difference in vertical mixing contributions between pollution days and clean days. The study highlighted the importance of reducing local pollution emissions and enhancing regional collaborative control measures to effectively O3 pollution prevention and control.
Abstract:Based on differential absorption ozone lidar and coherent Doppler wind lidar vertical observation, as well as surface pollutant concentration and meteorological data, a study was conducted in the coastal city of Qingdao of Jiaodong Peninsula, focusing on meteorological causes of typical ozone (O3) pollution events occurred from October 16th to 26th, 2023. The study aimed to explore the vertical evolution in O3 concentrations during the pollution events, as well as the influence of wind profiles on O3 distribution vertically. Besides, contributions of downward mixing of residual layer O3 affected on surface O3 concentrations was also evaluated. The results indicated that there were two O3 pollution events during the observation period: event I from the 17th to 18th, and event II from 22nd to 25th. O3-8h concentrations on 18th, 23rd to 25th were 197, 171, 179, and 169μg/m3, respectively. These two O3 pollution events were associated with warming processes at 850hPa geopotential height, intensive solar radiation, nocturnal ground-based inversions, lower stable boundary layers (below 200m), and lower daily atmospheric boundary layer heights. These atmospheric meteorological conditions favored O3 formation and air pollutants accumulation. Both two O3 pollution events concluded with cold air advection from the north. Local O3 production was identified as the primary cause of O3 pollution in Jiaodong Peninsula. Persisting warmth, intense solar radiation, and unfavorable atmospheric circulation patterns led to continuous regional O3 pollution. Moreover, transport of residual layer O3 by the southwest low-level jet could exacerbated surface O3 pollution within a range of 400~500km. Vertical mixing of residual layer O3 was found to play a crucial role on surface O3 concentrations, particularly during morning hours as the atmospheric boundary layer height increases. Between 7:00 and 12:00, the O3 vertical transport flux in the boundary layer ranged from -20.2 to -36.0μg/(m2·s). On average, vertical mixing of residual layer O3 contributed 26.4 % (15.1 %~43.2%) to surface O3, with a highest contribution observed at 9:00. During event II, vertical mixing of residual layer O3 contributed an average of 23.8 % (15.4 %~36.5 %) to surface O3. There was no significant difference in vertical mixing contributions between pollution days and clean days. The study highlighted the importance of reducing local pollution emissions and enhancing regional collaborative control measures to effectively O3 pollution prevention and control.
孟赫, 王威, 张淼, 代玮, 马艳, 许杨. 残留层臭氧向下混合对地面臭氧的影响——以胶东半岛沿海地区秋季典型臭氧污染过程为例[J]. 中国环境科学, 2024, 44(11): 5950-5960.
MENG He, WANG Wei, ZHANG Miao, DAI Wei, MA Yan, XU Yang. Influence of downward-mixing ozone in the residual layer on surface ozone—cases study of typical autumn ozone pollution processes in the coastal areas of Jiaodong Peninsula. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2024, 44(11): 5950-5960.
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