Aircraft observation of black carbon aerosols during heavy pollution in winter in Beijing
ZHAO De-long1,2,3,6, XIAO Wei1, YANG Yan1, SHENG Jiu-jiang1, ZHOU Wei1, LU Li4, LIU Jiang-le5, ZHANG Xiao-ling4, SHENG Ling-ling4, SONG Jing-jing4, HUANG Meng-yu1, HE Hui1, DING De-ping1
1. Beijing Weather Modification Office, Beijing 100089, China; 2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Cloud, Precipitation and Atmospheric Water Resources, Beijing 101200, China; 3. Field Experiment Base of Cloud and Precipitation Research in North China, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 101200, China; 4. Beijing Meteorological Information Center, Beijing 100089, China; 5. 95820 Flight Control Room, Beijing 102211, China; 6. Beijing Meteorological Bureau, Beijing 100089, China
Abstract:A single particle black carbon photometer (SP2) on the King Air platform was used to carry out continuous observation on a pollution process in the winter of December 2016 in Beijing, and the change characteristics of the mass concentration, particle size distribution and mixing state of black carbon aerosols during the occurrence, development and dissipation of pollution were elaborated in detail. The results showed that the pollution process was mainly haze pollution with PM2.5 pollution, with a maximum of 432μg/m3. The concentration of gaseous pollutants such as NO2, SO2 and CO has gone through three stages of pollution accumulation, providing a material basis for the ultimate explosive growth of PM2.5. The static and stable atmospheric conditions provide the dynamic conditions for the explosive growth of PM2.5. In the process of pollution development, BC aerosols accumulate and increase on the ground first, and then are transmitted to the upper air; in the removal process, the upper air is removed first, and the lower layer slowly decreases. In the process of pollution development, the concentration of black carbon aerosol in Beijing area increased first and then decreased, with an average concentration of 3.45μg/m3, and MMD in the range of 190~220nm. With the development of the pollution process, aerosols are rapidly aging. The BC aging ratio in PBL can increase from 27% to 51% in one day. The aging process makes the PM2.5 mass concentration explosively increase. The vertical evolution of BC in the boundary layer during the pollution process leads to atmospheric heating rate, which is conducive to the maintenance and development of temperature inversion and aggravates the pollutant process.
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