Air pollution and CO2 emission inventory of Chinese civil aviation airport
YOU Qian1, LI Hong-mei1, BO Xin2,3, ZHENG Yun4, CHEN Shao-bo2,3
1. School of Management and Engineering, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing 100070, China; 2. Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China; 3. Institute for Carbon-neutrality of Chinese Industries, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China; 4. Beijing Institute of Occupational Disease Prevention and Treatment, Beijing 100093, China
Abstract:Based on the aircraft take-off and landing data of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, fleet configuration data, and the ICAO aircraft engine emission factor database from 2017 to 2020, the air pollution and CO2 emission inventory of the landing and take-off (LTO) cycle of high-resolution aircraft of civil aviation airport of China were developed from bottom to top. On this basis, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of air pollutants and CO2 on air pollution of China Civil Aviation Airport LTO cycle were explored. We analyzed the 3epidemics from 2000 to 2020 (SARS in 2003, MERS in 2012, and COVID-19 in 2020) on airport air pollution and CO2 emissions. The results show that the emissions of NOx, CO, HC, SO2, PM, and CO2 in the LTO cycle of civil aviation airports in China in 2020 are 10.90, 8.22, 0.96, 0.28, 0.06, 1360.27 million tons respectively; The emissions of HC, CO, SO2, and CO2 are the largest in the taxiing stage, accounting for 92.80%, 91.56%, 41.81% and 41.81% of the total emissions respectively. The emissions of NOx and PM are the largest in the climbing stage, accounting for 47.93% and 37.39% of the total emissions respectively; Air pollutants and CO2 emissions from China's Civil Aviation Airport LTO cycle showed an increasing trend over the past 2017~2019 years, and the total emissions in 2020 were reduced by 22.39% by COVID-19. The most concentrated emission area is the economically developed East region. In the 3 epidemics of the 2000~2020 years, COVID-19 has the most significant impact on the LTO emissions from China's civil aviation airport.
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YOU Qian, LI Hong-mei, BO Xin, ZHENG Yun, CHEN Shao-bo. Air pollution and CO2 emission inventory of Chinese civil aviation airport. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2022, 42(10): 4517-4524.
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