Abstract:Carbon emission from sludge landfill, incineration, pyrolysis, aerobic composting, anaerobic digestion, and wet air oxidation in China were calculated referring to the guideline provided by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and life cycle analysis (LCA) method. In addition, sludge organic content was discuss as a key sensitive impact factor of carbon emission. The results show that for dewatered sludge with organic content of 40%~50% and water content of 80%, the sequence of the total carbon emission from sludge treatment is: landfill > incineration > pyrolysis > anaerobic digestion > aerobic composting > wet air oxidation. While sludge organic content is 60%~70%, the sequence changes to: landfill > incineration > pyrolysis > aerobic composting > wet air oxidation > anaerobic digestion. A further analysis on different integration routes indicates that sludge incineration has lower carbon emission than co-processing in cement kilns or co-combustion in coal-fired power plants. The integration of thermal pretreatment, anaerobic digestion and land use can reduce carbon emission due to improved organic content utilization. A LCA analysis on carbon emission from 1t dewatered sludge treatment demonstrates that all the sludge treatment routes release 2.07~494.45kg CO2eq/t when sludge organic content is lower than 60%. When sludge organic content reaches 60%, the integration of thermal hydrolysis, anaerobic digestion, and land use achieved a negative carbon emission of -37.91kg CO2eq/t, and anaerobic digestion and wet air oxidation realize almost zero carbon emission. When sludge organic content reaches 70%, wet air oxidation, anaerobic digestion and its combination routes can cause negative carbon emission.
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