Abstract:Condensable particulate matter (CPM) is recognized as a precursor to PM2.5. Extensive industrial research in China reveals substantial CPM emissions from coal and gas-fired boilers, cooling towers, and other sources, all potentially contributing to haze formation. Despite its notable impact, CPM is seldom considered in cause analyses of PM2.5 emissions. An analysis of Beijing's air quality monitoring data reveals a significant increase in the PM2.5/PM10 ratio during periods when PM2.5 levels exceed standard limits, indicating a clear and growing trend of secondary pollution. In contrast, the emissions and ambient concentrations of traditional primary precursors, such as SO2 and NO2, are decreasing, displaying no significant correlation with PM2.5/PM10 ratios or PM2.5 accumulation rates. Our estimates suggest that the contribution to PM2.5 in ambient air in Beijing from CPM emissions from gas heating sources is at least equivalent to that from NOx. Additionally, static and high-humidity conditions, conducive to PM2.5 pollution, likely intensify CPM agglomeration and conversion. This study suggests a substantial, previously underestimated, impact of CPM on Beijing's PM2.5 secondary pollution and underscores the need for regulatory oversight on CPM emissions. We recommend the implementation and promotion of advanced technologies for the concurrent benefits of water vapor and waste heat recycling, alongside efficient haze reduction.
李虹霖, 宋国君, 姜艺婧, 姜晓群, 李辰, 时钰. 可凝结颗粒物排放对北京市PM2.5污染的影响估计[J]. 中国环境科学, 2023, 43(12): 6301-6312.
LI Hong-lin, SONG Guo-jun, JIANG Yi-jing, JIANG Xiao-qun, LI Chen, SHI Yu. Assessing the impact of condensable particulate matter emissions on PM2.5 pollution in Beijing. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(12): 6301-6312.
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