Ground-based ridar-based investigation of a sand and dust pollution process in Hotan City
YIN Lu-lu1,2, HE Qing1,2, LI Jing-long2,3, MENG Lu2,3, FU Guang-xiang1,2, WU Cai-yun2,3, XIAO Hong-dan2, FAN Xu-yu-chen2
1. College of Geographic Science and Tourism, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054, China; 2. Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration/National Observation and Research Station of Desert Meteorology, Taklimakan Desert of Xinjiang/Taklimakan Desert Meteorology Field Experiment Station of China Meteorological Administration/Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Desert Meteorology and Sandstorm, Urumqi 830002, China; 3. College of Geography and Remote Sensing Sciences, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 800017, China
Abstract:In May 2022, Hotan City,Xinjiang suffered the strongest sandstorm in nearly five years, and the sand and dust pollution process lasted for a week. In this paper, the changes of particulate matter concentration and the vertical distribution characteristics of aerosol optical information in the process of sand and dust pollution were analyzed by using atmospheric aerosol lidar, pollutant concentration of environmental monitoring station and near-ground meteorological observation data, and the meteorological matching pattern of this polluted weather was obtained by using global reanalysis data, and finally the transport and potential sources of air mass during transit were analyzed by combining HYSPLIT backward trajectory model. The results showed that during the period of sand and dust pollution, the trend of PM2.5 and PM10 was consistent and there was heterogeneity in vertical height, and the average PM2.5/PM10 was 0.25, indicating that coarse particulate matter was the main thing, and the increase of wind speed, temperature and humidity were conducive to the occurrence of polluted weather. During the dust pollution, there was an obvious aerosol layer, and there were significant fluctuations in the vertical direction, and the extinction coefficient, backscatter coefficient and depolarization ratio reached the maximum values of the process, which were 3.5km-1, 0.07km-1·sr-1 and 0.17, respectively. In the spring, Hotan City is in a hot and low-pressure field, and it is difficult to dilute and diffuse pollutants under the background environment of the westerly wind and the surrounding terrain of the Tarim Basin, and the sand and dust air masses have been entrenched here for a long time, which is the reason for the long duration of this pollution. The pollutants in this sand and dust weather process mainly came from the Taklamakan Desert in northern Xinjiang, southern Xinjiang and the surrounding countries of stan, and the pollution sources were mainly the emission contribution of endogenous sand and dust aerosols.
阴璐璐, 何清, 李京龙, 孟露, 付光祥, 吴彩云, 肖鸿丹, 范旭雨晨. 基于地基雷达探究和田市一次沙尘污染过程[J]. 中国环境科学, 2023, 43(12): 6290-6300.
YIN Lu-lu, HE Qing, LI Jing-long, MENG Lu, FU Guang-xiang, WU Cai-yun, XIAO Hong-dan, FAN Xu-yu-chen. Ground-based ridar-based investigation of a sand and dust pollution process in Hotan City. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2023, 43(12): 6290-6300.
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