Spectral characteristics of DOM in sediment interstitial water of the main reservoir area during the initial stage of isothermal mixing:A case study of Zhoucun Reservoir
1. Key Laboratory of Northwest Water Resource, Environment and Ecology, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Environmental Engineering, Shaanxi Province, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China; 2. School of Enviromental Science and Enginnering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, China
Abstract:Spectral characteristics of DOM in sediment interstitial water during the initial stage of isothermal mixing in Zhoucun reservoir was explored based onUv-Vis spectra and EEM-PARAFAC technology. Results showed that there was no obvious Uv-Vis of the DOM in sediment interstitial water, and the variation coefficient of absorption was between 50% and 330%, indicating that the DOM at different sediment depths was different. The E2/E3 and E3/E4 value increased with sediment depths, indicating that the proportion of fulvic acid in DOM increased with sediment depths. Two kinds of fulvic-like acid (C1 and C2), one kind of protein-like (C3) and one kind of humic-like (C4) were identified by PARAFAC technology, and C3 showed a significant correlation with C4(P<0.01, R=0.905). The fluorescence intensity of total, C1, C2, C3 and C4 decreased with the increase of sedment depths, while the proportion of humic acid in DOM increased gradually, and the fluorescence intensity and fluorescence abundance were different at different sampling points; The high FI(1.8~2.0) and BIX(> 1.0), and low HIX(<4.0) of sediment interstitial water indicated that the DOM exhibited lower aromaticity and are mainly derived from aquatic bacterial input.
张春华, 黄廷林, 方开凯, 周石磊, 王亚平, 丛海兵, 文刚. 同温混合初期主库区沉积物间隙水DOM的光谱特征——以周村水库为例[J]. 中国环境科学, 2016, 36(10): 3048-3055.
ZHANG Chun-hua, HUANG Ting-lin, FANG Kai-kai, ZHOU Shi-lei, WANG Ya-ping, CONG Hai-bing, WEN Gang. Spectral characteristics of DOM in sediment interstitial water of the main reservoir area during the initial stage of isothermal mixing:A case study of Zhoucun Reservoir. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2016, 36(10): 3048-3055.
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