The source and reference inventory of 239+240Pu in the soil of China
HUANG Ya-nan1,2, PAN Shao-ming1, ZHANG Wei3, Stephen G. Tims2, LIU Zhi-yong4
1. The Key Laboratory of Ministry Education of Coastal and Island Development, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China;
2. Department of Nuclear Physics, the Australian National University, ACT 2601, Australia;
3. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami 33149, USA;
4. School for Radiological and Interdisciplinary Sciences, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China
This study used the large existing database on 137Cs reference inventories, according to the radioactivity ratio of 137Cs/239+240Pu (32.5,137Cs radioactivity is corrected to 2005) in the Northern Hemisphere, and converted 137Cs reference inventories to the corresponding values for 239+240Pu. The 137Cs Reference Inventory Model for Mainland China (137Cs-RI MCM) had been used to establish an analogous, by using Kriging/Cokriging interpolation to simulate the spatial distribution of the Pu-RI in the soils across China. At present, the measured deposition inventories for 239+240Pu range from 7.3 to 546Bq/m2 and Pu-RI simulated values range from 3 to 812Bq/m2. Maxima in the deposition inventory correlated well with those of the Pu-RI simulation, which suggested the 137Cs-RI MCM has potential for the simulation of the Pu-RI in the soils of the mainland of China. In-homogeneity in the atmospheric deposition of 137Cs and 239+240Pu however lead to deviations between the local Pu-RI simulation values and the measured 137Cs/239+240Pu radioactivity ratios present in Chinese soil cores. In order to better illustrate the feasibility of the 137Cs-RI MCM, this study compared theoretical wet deposition inventories of 239+240Pu with the corresponding Pu-RIs in 62 cities of China between latitudes 30~40°N, this showed that the theoretical calculations of Pu-RI or total deposition inventories and wet deposition inventories were reasonable.
黄亚楠, 潘少明, 张威, Stephen G. Tims, 刘志勇. 中国大陆土壤中239+240Pu的来源与背景值研究[J]. 中国环境科学, 2018, 38(12): 4608-4616.
HUANG Ya-nan, PAN Shao-ming, ZHANG Wei, Stephen G. Tims, LIU Zhi-yong. The source and reference inventory of 239+240Pu in the soil of China. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2018, 38(12): 4608-4616.
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