Dynamic changes of pollutants released from forest fire in Southern forested region during 2000-2016
YANG Xia-jie1,2, MA Yuan-fan1,2, PENG Xu-jian3, GUO Lin-fei1,2, CAI Qi-jun1,2, GUO Fu-tao1,2
1. Forestry College, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China;
2. Co-innovation Center for Soil and Water Conservation in Red Soil Region of the Cross-straits, Fuzhou 350002, China;
3. Nanjing Forest Police College, Nanjing 210000, China
We estimated the quantity of biomass burned and total emission of pollutants released from forest fires in Southern Forest region of China during 2000~2016 based on Forestry Statistical Yearbooks, MODIS satellite fire data and emission factors of different forest types from various studies. In addition, the temporal and spatial dynamics of pollutants were also analyzed. The results showed that the occurrence of forest fires in the southern forest area increased firstly and then decreased and dispersedly distributed in space during the study time period. The total amount of forest biomass burned during 2000~2016 was 4.79×104kt. The burning ratios of temperate evergreen coniferous forests, temperate evergreen broad-leaved forests, temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests, tropical evergreen broad-leaved forests and shrubs were 65.24%, 17.45%, 1.55%, 1.10% and 14.66%, respectively. The emissions of CO, CO2, NOx, CH4, VOCs and PM2.5 were 3.73×103, 5.87×104, 48.05, 347.27, 358.54 and 365.06kt, respectively. In addition, a significant variation in the spatial and temporal distribution of pollutants existed. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Western Hainan and the Southern Jiangxi and Hunan were high emission areas of pollutants. The emission of pollutants in Jiangxi and Hubei decreased significantly. A declining trend of NOx, VOCs and PM2.5 in Fujian, and CH4 and VOCs in Guangdong was observed; however, the change in concentration of pollutants in other provinces was not significant. There is an overall increasing trend of the emission ratio of PM2.5 released from forest fires, indicating an increasing influence of forest fires on local atmospheric condition in Southern forested region of China.
杨夏捷, 马远帆, 彭徐剑, 郭林飞, 蔡奇均, 郭福涛. 南方林区2000~2016年林火释放污染物动态变化研究[J]. 中国环境科学, 2018, 38(12): 4687-4696.
YANG Xia-jie, MA Yuan-fan, PENG Xu-jian, GUO Lin-fei, CAI Qi-jun, GUO Fu-tao. Dynamic changes of pollutants released from forest fire in Southern forested region during 2000-2016. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2018, 38(12): 4687-4696.
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