Integrated diagnosis for industrial development path dependence of mineral resource-based cities:A study based on an improved Cobb-Douglas production function
ZHOU Si-yang, LI Wei, CHEN Jia-xuan, CHENG Run-he
State Key Lab of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
In this study, firstly, the mineral resources, ecological and environmental elements were taken into account as input factors in the conventional C-D production function. Secondly, the method of resource-environment-economy integrated diagnosis (REEID) was established and then applied. Ordos, Inner Mongolia, whose economy has been dominated by coal extraction and utilization, was the taken as a study case. The results showed that the integrated output elasticity in Ordos from 2001 to 2015 was 0.8158, indicated the decreasing returned to scale. The industrial path dependence was in the integrated marginal revenue (MRKLME) increasing process from 2001 to 2007, then entered the decreasing process from 2008 to 2015. The ecological and environmental cost of industry increased significantly, which reduced MRKLME dramatically and caused the MRKLME curve to show an inflection point decrease 2~4 years earlier than that in the conventional C-D simulation. Hence it was suggested that measures such as "double control" of the total amount and intensity of coal resources development, strengthening ecological environmental protection and governance, etc., should be employed. The REEID method could correct the diagnostic bias caused by neglecting the resource and environmental effects. It was more reasonable and accurate to diagnose the evolutionary characteristics of industrial development path dependence in resource-dependent cities. REEID method was helpful to propose effective development countermeasures.
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ZHOU Si-yang, LI Wei, CHEN Jia-xuan, CHENG Run-he. Integrated diagnosis for industrial development path dependence of mineral resource-based cities:A study based on an improved Cobb-Douglas production function. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(1): 412-419.
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