Quantitative analysis of the effective transport range of waste mobile phone recycling based on LCA
LI Jia-wen1,2, SONG Xiao-long1,3, ZHAO Di1,2
1. WEEE Research Center of Shanghai Polytechnic University, Shanghai 201209, China;
2. College of Engineering, Shanghai Polytechnic University, Shanghai 201209, China;
3. Shanghai Collaborative Innovation Center for WEEE Recycling, Shanghai 201209, China
A life cycle method was carried out to assess the environmental impacts of waste mobilephones in both recycling process and cross-regional transport process. Based on which, this paper defined the effective transport range and quantization method of the cross-regional transport process. The environmental performance of recycling process and transport process, were analyzed by using the IMPACT2002+ approach. The paper divided the recycling process into two scenarios according to the difference of the reuse process. The results showed that the two typical recycling processes were all shown as environmental benefits; the recycled materials and reused parts were the main sources of the environment benefits; and the effective transport range of two processes were 0~3094km and 0~1248km. Meanwhile, an analysis of the key parameters was also conducted to assess the influence of transport tools and theempty return rate ofcross-regional transport processes. It was found that increasing the proportion of railway transport and reducing the empty return rate of truck transport can effectively expand the transport range.
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