Study on settlement of dioxin pollutants under complex terrain-weather conditions
TIAN Fei1, BO Xin2,3, XUE Xiao-da4, JIA Yu-ling5, TANG Qian-hong6, SUN Hong-tao1, LI Shi-bei2
1. Shandong Academy of Environmental Science Co., Ltd., Jinan 250013, China;
2. Appraisal Center for Environment and Engineering, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Beijing 100012, China;
3. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Environment Impact Assessment, Beijing 100012, China;
4. Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China;
5. Sichuan Environment and Engineering Appraisal Center, Chengdu 610041, China;
6. CMA Public Meteorological Service Center, Beijing 100081, China
In order to understand the environmental impact of dioxin pollutants under complex terrain-weather conditions, a representative mountainous area in southwestern China was selected to predict the environmental impact of dioxin pollutants in regional waste incineration, medical waste and hazardous waste disposal projects using CALPUFF, and the modeling was analyzed and verified by soil measured data. The results showed that under the condition of complex terrain-weather field, the wind direction and wind speed in different spaces in the same region were significantly different. The CALMET module can be combined with relevant data to simulate a meteorological field file close to reality. The model prediction showed that under the complex terrain-weather field, the settlement position and direction of dioxins from the project were not completely consistent with the prevailing wind direction throughout the year. The annual average concentration contribution of dioxins to the soil sedimentation of dioxins was 0.86×10-3~9.84×10-1ngTEQ/m2. The correlation between the monitoring data and model-simulated settlement data of medical waste and municipal waste incineration, hazardous waste projects was 0.854 and 0.287, respectively, indicating that the CALPUFF model has a certain degree of confidence in simulating the spatial distribution of dioxin in the surrounding soil under complex terrain-weather conditions.
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