Impact factor of pollutant emission time series from farmland tractors in Xinjiang
Tursun Mamat1,2, DING Wei-min1, XIE Hai-wei2
1. Department of Engineering, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210031, China;
2. School of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China
As the farmland tractors (FT) have dramatically increased in Xinjiang autonomous region of China in the past decades, FT emissions have become one of the major air pollution sources across the entire region. The emission time series inventories of PM10, PM2.5, HC, NOx and CO for FT in Xinjiang from 1993 to 2017 were established based on fuel consumption, and the evolution trends of these air pollutants were also analyzed. The list of impact factors of FT's emission mainly from diesel engines was constructed with the consideration of three aspects:economic development levels, FT's own attributes, and the scientific and technological development. Based on the rough set theory, a quantitative analysis of factors affecting pollutants' emission was also performed. The results showed that the total emission of all pollutants of FTs in Xinjiang had increased by more than 2times in recent 25 years from 1993 to 2017 with the annual growth rate of 3.67%, and the emission per ten thousand kilowatt had decreased by nearly 40.03%. It suggested that the emission standards for FTs proposed in recent years may played a substantial role. Second, the quantitative analysis of the impacting factors of pollution showed that the total FT power, the number of FTs, the area of ploughing, the area of sowing, the area of harvesting, the investment of agricultural machinery, the investment of fixed assets by farmers, and the emission per 10thousand kilowatt all had affected the emission with impacting factors of 0.2591, 0.2491, 0.0841, 0.0759, 0.0934, 0.0568, 0.0701, 0.0701, respectively. The affecting factors of economic development level, FT own attributes, and the science and technology on FT pollutants were 0.6350, 0.2530 and 0.1119, respectively. Third, the established mission inventory and the evolution trend can well reflect the status of pollutants emission from the agricultural machinery sector in Xinjiang. The results accurately reflected the influence of Xinjiang's social economic development, agricultural mechanization and scientific and technological progress on FT's pollutant emission.
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