Winter spatial distribution and source apportionment of water-soluble ions in PM2.5, Northeast Asia
ZHANG Yong-yun1, WANG Hong-qing1, XIAO Hao2, LU Hai-bo1, ZHANG Zhong-yi1, ZHENG Neng-jian1, LUO Li1
1. Jiangxi Province Key Laboratory of the Causes and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, School of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China;
2. College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550000, China
To explore the spatial distribution and sources of water-soluble ions in winter PM2.5 of Northeast Asia, we determined the concentrations of PM2.5 water-soluble ions in Shenyang during winter of 2017~2018. The concentrations of the total water-soluble ions in winter PM2.5 of Shenyang was (28.5±11.9) µg/m3, and the concentrations of secondary ions (SO42-、NO3-、NH4+) were the highest, accounting for 31.0%, 22.4% and 19.2% of total water-soluble ions in mass fraction. We investigated the sources of winter PM2.5 water-soluble ions in Shenyang by the ion stoichiometry, correlation analysis of water-soluble ions and primary component analysis. By combining our results with previously reported data in Northeast Asia region (northeast China, South Korea and Japan) in recent 20years, we found a downwind decreasing pattern in concentrations of winter PM2.5 water-soluble ions from the northeast China, through the South Korea, coastal South Korea and Jeju Island, and the coast of Japan to Japan except some peaks at stations near densely populated areas (e.g., South Korea and Japan). Water-soluble ions showed significant regional differences in percentage of mass fraction in the total water-soluble ions in PM2.5. In the winter PM2.5 of South Korea, SO42-, Ca2+ and K+ were significantly affected by external sources. NO3- and NH4+ were mainly from local sources, while Cl-, Na+ and Mg2+ were dominantly sourced from local sources or sea salt. In Central Japan, SO42-, NO3-, NH4+, Ca2+ and K+ were originated from local sources, while Cl-, Na+ and Mg2+ were dominantly sourced from local sources or sea salt.
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