Taking the air quality and meteorological data of 2017 in Ganzhou as the research object, the optimal feature subset was extracted by the maximal relevance minimal redundancy algorithm (MRMR) and used as the input data of the prediction model. At the same time, the hybrid kernel (HK) was constructed to improve the traditional support vector machine model (SVM) and finally the MRMR-HK-SVM model was established. The experimental results show that the MRMR-HK-SVM model has a lower mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and root mean square error (RMSE), compared with the traditional SVM model, the mean absolute error of the prediction results decreased by 26.9%, and and it can track the sudden change of PM2.5 concentration more accurately. It can be seen that MRMR-HK-SVM model has better generalization ability and can more accurately predict PM2.5 concentration.
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