Effect of dissolved oxygen on bioflocculation of organic matter in high loaded bioflocculation membrane reactor
WAN Li-guo1,2, LIN Qiao1, ZHANG Li-jun1, ZHANG Wen-hua1,2, LIU Hong-bo1,2, LONG Bei-sheng1,2, XIONG Ling1
1. School of Water Conservancy & amp;Environment Engineering, Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun 130012, China; 2. Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Municipal Wastewater Treatment, Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun 130012, China
Abstract:In order to study the effect of dissolved oxygen (DO) on bioflocculation law of organic matter in high loaded bioflocculation membrane reactor (HLB-MR), parallel contrast experiments were conducted to investigate the bioflocculation effect of organic matter, the content of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS), the concentration of metal cations and the microbial community structure under different DO conditions. When the DO concentrations were at 1~2mg/L and 6~8mg/L, the flocculation efficiencies of HLB-MRs were 83% and 89%, respectively. The difference in turbidity of the supernatant in the HLB-MRs further confirmed that the higher DO concentration had induced a better bioflocculation effect. When the DO concentration was at 6~8mg/L, the content of bound EPS and supernatant EPS in the HLB-MR were 15.64mg/(g·VSS) and 8.71mg/L, respectively, both of which were significantly higher than 11.83mg/(g·VSS) and 6.56mg/L at 1~2mg/L of DO concentration, and the concentrations of magnesium and aluminum in the concentrate in the HLB-MR were also significantly higher than those at 1~2mg/L of DO concentration. Under high DO concentration conditions, more EPS are combined with metal cations to be immobilized in the sludge matrix, which promotes bioflocculation. High-throughput sequencing showed that when the DO concentrations were at 1~2mg/L and 6~8mg/L, the community structure of bacteria in the HLB-MRs were significantly different. The relative abundance of Actinobacteria and Saccharibacteria in the sediment of HLB-MR at higher DO concentration were higher, which might promote bioflocculation.
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WAN Li-guo, LIN Qiao, ZHANG Li-jun, ZHANG Wen-hua, LIU Hong-bo, LONG Bei-sheng, XIONG Ling. Effect of dissolved oxygen on bioflocculation of organic matter in high loaded bioflocculation membrane reactor. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(8): 3340-3346.
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