Characteristics of “dry” aerosol equivalent complex refraction index in winter in Chengdu
YANG Yin-shan1,2, NI Chang-jian1,2, ZHANG Zhi-cha1,2, FENG Miao3, BAI Bin-ren1,2, SHI Qiao-yu1,2, TANG Jin-ying1,2
1. College of Atmospheric Science, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China;
2. Plateau Atmosphere and Environment Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610225, China;
3. Chengdu Academy of Environmental Sciences, Chengdu 610072, China
By utilizing the hourly observational data of "dry" aerosol scattering coefficient and "dry" aerosol absorption coefficient, as well as the coincidental data obtained from GRIMM180 in Chengdu during December 2017, "dry" aerosol equivalent complex refractive index at 550nm, including both real part and imaginary part as a whole, were integrally retrieved by immune evolutionary algorithm, and then their characteristics in winter were analyzsed. The results showed that:Real part and imaginary part of "dry" aerosol equivalent refractive indices were (1.547±0.0552) and (0.0197±0.00604) respectively. The diurnal variations of real part and imaginary part of "dry" aerosol equivalent complex refractive index generally depicted a consistent pattern, with the feature of "single valley", and the valley occurred between 15:00 and 18:00. To the diurnal time scale, real part of "dry" aerosol equivalent refractive index and mass concentration statistically produced cooperative effect on the evolution of "dry" aerosol scattering extinction, and there existed similar influence of imaginary part of "dry" aerosol equivalent refractive index and mass concentration on the evolution of "dry" aerosol absorption extinction. Imaginary part of "dry" aerosol equivalent refractive index could well symbolize the "dry" aerosol absorption extinction capacity per mass concentration.
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YANG Yin-shan, NI Chang-jian, ZHANG Zhi-cha, FENG Miao, BAI Bin-ren, SHI Qiao-yu, TANG Jin-ying. Characteristics of “dry” aerosol equivalent complex refraction index in winter in Chengdu. CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCECE, 2019, 39(10): 4093-4099.
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