In order to investigate the characteristics of the nirS-type denitrification bacteria structure of eutrophic urban lakes in Inner Mongolia Plateau, a specific functional gene nirS was measured to determine the denitrifying bacterial diversity in the surface sediments of Nanhai Lake, Baotou. Based on the physicochemical indexes analysis of the sediments at each sampling point, the nirS-type denitrifying bacteria community and diversity were studied. Results showed that the Shannon Index ranged from 3.07 to 3.41. Comparing with other studies, biodiversity of denitrifying bacteria was relatively low and the dominant bacteria involved in the denitrification remained the same as most of the lakes with genera Pseudomonas and Rhodobacter being the majorities. The redundant analysis (RDA) indicated that various types of pollutants in the urban lake exerted significantly promotive effects on the denitrifying bacteria. Rhodobacter was positively correlated with nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N) and nitrite nitrogen (NO2--N), and Pseudomonas presented a strong positive correlation with total phosphorus (TP) in addition to nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N) and nitrite nitrogen (NO2--N). The main bacteria among the nirS-type denitrifying bacteria in Nanhai Lake promoted the denitrification thus accelerated the removal of nitrogen.
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