Accelerated pre-treatment method for amphetamine-type substances in water environment
DING Xu1, MAO Kang2, BAI Ya2, ZHANG Wei1
1. School of Environment, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China;
2. School of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Based on previous studies, we developed a method for rapid pre-treatment of water samples for three typical psychoactive substances (methamphetamine, amphetamine and ephedrine) under field conditions. The effects of the method parameters (pH and loading flow rate) on the recovery rate of the target substances were compared. The optimal parameters for the accelerated pre-treatment were using Oasis HLB, and the samples were loaded at a flow rate of 20mL/min under alkaline condition. Compared with the traditional method, the concentrations of the target substances measured using the accelerated pre-treatment method were slightly lower, but it still reflected the concentration level and variation characteristics of the target substances in domestic sewage. The field verifications in Beijing and Guangdong showed that the performance of this method was stable for both surface water and wastewater samples.
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